Roll Up Your Sleeves, Get Out the Flour, The Seder is Starting!April 8, 2020by Benay LappeIt all started when I bought a toy flour mill for my two-year-old daughter Molly a few weeks before Passover.…
Speaking Our Vision For LiberationApril 3, 2020by Becky SilversteinWith gratitude to Beyn Kodesh l’Chol “Learning for Liberation” Bet Midrash for deepening my understanding of this text. As Passover…
CRASH HOTSI Don’t Know What Comes NextMarch 27, 2020by Benay LappeMy chevruta Eddie once told me a story that I’ll never forget. It’s a story his father told him. And,…
Pirkei AvotCRASH HOTSThe Rabbis Have Our BacksMarch 20, 2020by Mónica GomeryThis week, as we all navigate a constantly shifting landscape of change, uncertainty, and global pandemic, SVARA began convening a…
The Meta-Miracle of ChanukahDecember 25, 2019by Laynie SolomanChanukah is filled with miracles—long-lasting surprise pockets of oil, an unexpected military victory, the legacy of zealous resistance in the…
Radical Presence & the Practice of RebukeOctober 7, 2019by Benay LappeThe Jewish new year season tends to have one “star of the show”—teshuva, the practice of recognizing whom we’ve harmed…