DIY Chevruta: Tanur Shel Achnai

Self-paced Chevruta Learning

In this self-paced learning opportunity, you and your chevruta will explore how the Rabbis understand their own power and authority through an extended sugya (almost a full amud!) in Masechet Bava Metzia that explores what happened when one specific Rabbinic disagreement became personal and violent. We invite you to engage in a uniquely deep learning of this sugya, which will take place throughout the fall and into our spring zman, culminating right before Pesach (mid-April). In this learning space, you’ll hone your skills of independent chevruta learning while exploring a lengthy aggadah (Talmudic story) and pursuing supplemental texts of your own choosing. There will be opportunities for asynchronous connection and synchronous discussions. Please note that we won’t be matching chevrutas for this program, so you are invited to bring your own chevruta!

We know that virtual learning comes with a holy host of nuances and it can be hard to know exactly what to expect of an online experience. For that reason, we’ve gathered a list of the nitty-gritty details that will help you envision the fullest picture of each of our offerings!

Specs on this learning space:

  • This material is designed for experienced SVARA-niks (folks who have learned Talmud at SVARA at least once before)
  • You’ll move through this as a self-paced, asynchronous learning experience done in chevruta
  • All learning materials will be available digitally
  • Two dictionaries are required: Frank & Jastrow

If you’re searching for DIY learning that doesn’t have any synchronous or “cohort-based” components, check out all the wonderful texts we’ve prepared for y’all!

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