Mishnah Collective

Mishnah Collective is a daily drop-in space for folks of all backgrounds. Each session we work our way through a portion of a mishnah (text), piece by piece, in the SVARA method. No prior Hebrew experience or learning is necessary to participate!

We started learning everyday in the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic. For many folks in our learning community, Mishnah Collective became a consistent, joyful, and supportive learning space for folks of all backgrounds. Gathering Monday through Friday allows us to move through the text thoughtfully in the SVARA method. Now in our third year, we invite you to join us as we make our way through Masechet Berachot, a text that has been described by SVARA Faculty Rabbi Bronwen Miller as “a wild landscape of the personal, interpersonal, political, and spiritual that becomes what we call prayer.” Whether you can join every day, once a week, we can’t wait to learn with you!

Mishnah Collective is live-captioned. Please note that all SVARA programming, including Mishnah Collective, is for folks 18 and up.

Monday through Friday from 1:30-2pm ET | 12:30-1pm CT | 10:30-11am PT.


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