Register for Rambam’s Repair Manual using the portal below!
Tuesdays, August 15 – September 5
8-9:30pm ET | 7-8:30pm CT | 5-6:30pm PT
Join SVARA Faculty Laynie Soloman and Rabbi Bronwen Mullin for a weekly shiur exploring a halakha (a codified practical teaching) by the Rambam that addresses how to do teshuva bein adam le’chaveiro, interpersonal repair. This text invites us to consider how to get in right relationship when interpersonal harm has happened. Each week, we will do a close inside/outside reading, and reveal how the Rambam turns Talmud into practical instructions.
This offering is designed for folks who have learned with SVARA before. This time around, learning in chevruta and prepping before shiur are both optional!
After our journey comes to a close, we’ll be hosting a community-wide siyum on September 12th from 8-9:30PM ET to reflect on everything we’ve learned together. Save the date, y’all!