Our 2022 Community Impact Survey is live! We feel so incredibly grateful for the countless ways y’all have made SVARA the joyful, queer-centered space that it is and we want to learn more about you and your experience.
Over the years, so much of our work at SVARA has been propelled by a simple question: “What exactly is happening when we gather in the bet midrash?”
Through our strategic plan, we honed a vision that propels us towards a liberatory, healed world: one where Jewish tradition is shaped and expanded by the queer and trans people learning with SVARA. As we come into the third year of our plan, we’re turning to y’all for insights. Your learning and sharing will help us remain accountable to our vision. And your responses will also help us identify the pivots, experiments, and re-imagining that will shape SVARA’s next chapter.
We know data-gathering projects like surveys can bring up feelings of vulnerability, tokenization, and surveillance. We’re holding these truths with tremendous care and invite y’all to show up fully and expansively so we can learn from your brilliance!